All Academician of the two academicians State Council Special Allowance Winner National special program leader The country has outstanding contributions to young and middle-aged experts Chief scientist of the national "973" project National “863” project area expert Member of the Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council The Yangtze River Scholar National outstanding youth fund winners National teacher of teaching Ten thousand plan (leading talent) Ten Thousand People Plan (Young Talents) The national million talents project The state special branch plan for young people National excellent youth fund winner National model teacher National teacher's advanced individual National excellent educator Ministry of Education New Century Excellent Talent Support Program National excellent teacher National Talents of 100 Million Talents Project in the New Century "Yanzhao Gold Technician" Advanced personalities of Hebei Province Hebei Province Provincial teaching teacher Excellent educators in Hebei Province Excellent teacher in Hebei Province Excellent professional and technical personnel in Hebei Province Hebei Province "Giant Plan" leading talents High-end talents in Hebei Province "Yan and Zhao Scholars" in Hebei Province The third level of the "three three three talent project" in the new century of Hebei Province The second-level candidates for the "Three Three Three Talents Project" in the new century of Hebei Province The first layer of the "Three, Three, Three Talents Project" in the new century of Hebei Province Hebei Province has outstanding contributions to young and middle-aged experts Excellent expert of provincial management in Hebei Province
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